In memory of Peter Patel
Our Founding President
Mission Statement:
Making Havasu a healthy, strong, inclusive, emotionally and spiritually intelligent community of attentive and deep thinking learners, researchers and problem solvers with a strong sense of belonging
Development of stress resilience to prevent disease and disorder and enhance learning ability, community behavior, happiness, harmony, coherence, emotional and spiritual intelligence.
Havasu Health Wellness Oneness and Community Inc. is founded to achieve the following objects in the Havasu area community:
1. Creating a culture of physical health
2. Creating a culture of mental health
3. Creating a culture of thoughtful behaviour
4. Creating a culture of learning and problem solving
5. Creating a culture of social harmony and coherence
6. Creating a culture of emotional and spiritual intelligence
7. Creating a culture of healthy living free of disease, disorder and bigotry
8. Creating a culture of reaching out to the vulnerable in the community with help in eliciting “rest and digest” response
9. Upholding and supporting the aims and objectives of SHEN